Sunday, October 3, 2010

My Soapbox (And YES, it has a ramp) ;-)

The definition for the word handicapped is ~ To cause to be at a disadvantage; impede.

I wonder how many people really think about what it means to be 'handicapped'. I admit, I probably didn't think about it much either before my accident (see first post).

I have been in a wheelchair now for 8 years but the only time I FEEL handicapped is when I am faced with a situation like I faced yesterday.

My daughter is a Peewee cheerleader, which means traveling to other schools for the 'away' games. The high school we went to yesterday was so ill-equipped that I could not enter or exit the stadium on my own. I could not get into the restrooms on my own. I could not reach the stands on my own, in fact I couldn't get INTO the stands AT ALL. I had to sit in my wheelchair, on the track, for the entire game. It was atrocious!
It made ME want to cry, now can you imagine if that had been a CHILD being forced to endure that??

Do you know what makes a physically challenged person FEEL handicapped?? It's not the physical challenge itself.  It's the inability to do the most basic tasks ON YOUR OWN, like going into a restroom. I am almost 40 years old, I don't want to have to ask someone for HELP to get into the bathroom for crying outloud!

I am not asking for SPECIAL treatment. I understand that we live in the country, that a lot of these places are small country towns. But I also understand that this is not some third world country where people aren't aware of the laws and needs of the physically challenged. This is 2010 (closing in on 2011) in the United States of AMERICA, and people need to understand that pouring some cement and shaping it in something that resembles a ramp does NOT make it handicap accessible!

I know there may be some of you out there who think I am overreacting. That I need to put on my big girl panties and deal with it ;-) But I want y'all to sit and think about something.. When I was 31 yrs old, married 10 yrs, 3 kids already, I certainly didn't think I would ever find myself as a Right leg, above the knee amputee, wheelchair bound, for the rest of my life.

You and you and you and even YOU need to realize that this CAN happen to you or your spouse or your kids. Most likely, someone in your life WILL become wheelchair bound or Walker dependent at some point in your life.

I don't want to become the person that everyone hates to see coming ( oh noo its the handicap nazi again), but neither can I just let this pass. What I really want to do is make people AWARE so they can voluntarily fix the problems that need to be fixed before it has to come down to fines.

I guess maybe I should become an Accessibility Consultant ;-) Businesses could hire me to come in and test everything about their business, letting them know exactly what needs correction and how it needs to be corrected :-) Hmmm , I may have to seriously think about this one :-)


  1. So what are you going to do in this specific incident?

    I like the idea of you being an Accessibility Consultant. I bet the ADA could help you with that.

    I am sorry for your difficulties yesterday.

    Love mom

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I have not fully decided what I am going to do about yesterday's incident except that I know it will involve emails and phone calls with the superintendent and school board of that county.

    I am not UNaware of the fact that this is a small town and school budgets can be tight. I would LIKE to give them the opportunity to rectify this situation without bringing in the fines. But I will file a complaint if necessary.

    So I guess it really depends on how THEY respond to my initial emails

  4. You go're on a roll (pun intended..sorry but I just couldn't help myself, LOL)! Love ya!

  5. You are amazing and inspiring and i love you Lea! I am so happy that you deciced to start this blog!!!!!! =)

  6. Is this my Jules?? Thanks Angie and Jewel!! xoxo right back atcha!!
